

Oak Park® Place Green Bay 2023 Fundraising: Making a Meaningful Impact
Oak Park® Place Green Bay 2023 Fundraising: Making a Meaningful Impact

Fundraising for a cause as noble as finding a cure for Alzheimer's disease is a challenge that requires considerable hard work and dedication. In 2023, the team at Oak Park® Place in Green Bay dedicated time and many efforts into fundraising for the Wisconsin Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association.

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Guide to Dementia and Alzheimer's Care at Oak Park Place
Guide to Dementia and Alzheimer's Care at Oak Park Place

Explore Oak Park Place in Madison, WI, and learn about our specialized dementia and Alzheimer's care services. Discover how our programs and tips for families can support your loved ones.

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Exercises and Tips to Boost Cognitive Function
Exercises and Tips to Boost Cognitive Function

Learn how physical exercise, mental stimulation, a healthy diet, social interaction, proper sleep, stress management, and memory techniques can help enhance your memory and brain health.

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How do you know when it’s time for memory Care?
How do you know when it’s time for memory Care?

I worry about Mom when I’m not around. She’s letting bills and mail pile up unopened when she used to be so conscientious about it. Sometimes I notice that she wears the same clothes for days in a row.

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